W E S T M E A D E   S T U D E N T S

Alaska Senior Mission Trip

June 28 – July 2 // Seniors Only

This is our “ANCHOR” mission trip for the graduating 12th grade class. Going to College or starting a career is a time in your life when there are more crossroads than there are straightaways. For this reason, our student program strives to provide an opportunity to help instill in our students as followers of Christ that they are to live and be on mission. A mission trip can be a powerful, life-changing experience that broadens our perspective. This trip, and the ones to follow, will always be evangelistic in nature and push us to our “edge”. We have poured our lives into these teens and now they start the journey into adulthood with their hearts and minds in the right direction to bring glory to God by proclaiming Jesus and His Gospel.

This year the students, along with myself and three other adults, will be flying to Alaska to help staff a summer camp for an entire week. We ask that even if you don’t have a student going on the trip you would be in much prayer for this group to be used in extraordinary  ways to bring glory to God.