Feb '21

Prayer and Fasting Day
Feb '21

April 11 // Following 11:00am Service // Worship Center
The students will gather after 2nd service to pray and fast.
This will be a unique time to pray for each other and all that God has for us for His glory. This isn’t some random event. The students have been challenged from the beginning of the year to make prayer a priority in their lives. Every week I have challenged them in the student GroupMe in different ways to incorporate prayer into their everyday walk. I also challenge them in a specific application of prayer every Wednesday night at the start of our Bible study. I hope to make this time together in prayer a regular gathering.
Feb '21

Graduate Sunday
Feb '21

May (exact date TBD)
This is a time for us to celebrate all God has been accomplishing for His glory through the lives of our graduating class.
We will have a meal and special time together as well as recognizing our graduates at one of the Sunday morning worship services.
More details to come.
Feb '21

VBS After Glow
Feb '21

June 7-11 // Grades 6-12
VBS After Glow is open to all students that help make VBS happen. We will be showing our appreciation for all the heard work the students put into VBS. It all starts with lunch and then we go have a blast! You never know where you might find us. From the water park, to the bowling lanes, to the river or a crazy huge scavenger hunt full of prizes! You never know how we might celebrate!
Sign up March 10. Free.
Feb '21

Super Summer
Feb '21

July 11-16 // Samford University // Grades 9-12
Super Summer is an intense week of discipleship. Each summer, students from across Alabama converge on a campus for a week of biblical training. Throughout the week, participating students will be challenged, motivated, and encouraged in their walk with the Lord. This is a “beyond the basics” discipleship week where students will be worshiping and studying with like-minded students from across the state. The camp focuses on two major themes: Leadership & Discipleship. Students who participate will be challenged to deepen their faith and stand out as the leader God wants them to be.
For more information on Super Summer, click HERE
Sign up begins March 10. Cost is $150. Grades 9-12.
Feb '21

New York City Mission Trip
Feb '21

July 25 – 31
Broadway, Empire State Building, Times Square…New York City is one of the most recognizable and influential cities in the world. In March of 2020, New York City and the lives of everyone there came to a screeching halt. While lots of things in New York changed, the people that call New York home did not. The needs of people there have grown tremendously, especially the need for the Hope that the Gospel brings.
This summer, we have the opportunity to partner with churches in the Metro New York Baptist Association to bring that hope to people all over NYC. There will be tons of opportunities for us during this trip that will help meet needs and bring Christ into peoples lives. Things like distributing food, handing out masks, cleaning up neighborhoods (and so much more) are just a few ways that we might be able to share Christ with people in need in New York!
Sign up begins March 10. Limit of 15 total participants. Cost is $500.
Feb '21

DNOW 2021
Feb '21

August 13 – 14
A Disciple Now (DNOW) weekend is a youth retreat that is designed to be “at home” for 6th -12th graders. There are several elements to a DNOW weekend: Worship, Bible Study, Missions and Recreation. This atmosphere is created to take students to a deeper level in their relationship with Christ, connect them with local mission opportunities and help them enjoy the fellowship of other believers.
Sign up begins June 8. Cost $40.